The Blind Side (2009)


The Blind Side is based on the true story of the married couple Lee En Tuohi (Sandra Bullock) and Sean Tuohi (Tim McGraw) who took under their homeless Michael Oyer (Quinton Aaron). Big Mike doesn’t know who his father is, his mother is an unstable drug addict, he has a very poor education, but with his corpulent build he represents a great talent for American football. The Tuohi family gives him maximum support, he lives with them and they do everything to successfully finish high school and get a scholarship for some of the colleges. In this film, we see their relationship from the first meeting until Michael’s first day in college.

Before watching the film, I expected a lot more from American football, but it was pushed aside in favor of a story that deals more with the relationships between the characters than the sport itself. Sports films are often predictable, some even know how to exploit an athlete or the whole sport, everyone knows that the main character will succeed in the end, so the authors in this case successfully avoided certain clichés. Although centered as a sports biopic, The Blind Side is much more of a social and even family drama. It can be said that my main character is Lee Ann, as a woman who with her efforts created a successful athlete, from Michael himself when the action takes place, who is more of a transformation from homeless to athlete than a classic protagonist.

Michael Oyer’s story is admirable. A gin of a good heart who learned from an early age to suppress the bad things that happen to him and to grow into a man who does not blame anyone and who is never angry. Without basic living conditions, without support and support, with one bag in which his things are, he meets Lee En who gives him everything and leaves him to concentrate only on learning and to develop his talent. Many negative comments related to this film refer to the motives of that woman (a rich Republican from a luxury neighborhood) to dedicate herself to a homeless man from the ghetto, because, according to many, she did it because she recognized his sports talent. a true Christian did.

It is normal that not all the scenes from the film really happened in real life, but in this case, even those fictional scenes do their job. They are not there to play on the sentimental card of emotions in the viewer, but as a way to show Michael’s path to self-esteem, success and self-discovery. I liked that his biological mother was presented as a woman who has not lost her dignity, even though she has nothing else. Also, there are several spontaneously comic scenes (the melody of the coach’s phone at the game, for example). If I had to single out the flaws in the film, it was a slightly longer duration, insufficient elaboration of supporting characters, especially other members of the Tuohi family, as well as predictability that could not be avoided.

Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for supporting actress for her role in this film. It provides an emotional performance about a woman who has a fulfilled life, but whose life gained a new dimension, new worries, but also sincere human happiness through an act of charity. I would not say anything about the motives of her character for that procedure, except that it is certainly for respect that she removed the homeless man from the street and gave him everything. Bulokova is really pleasing to the eye in the film, although her accent sometimes has a counter-effect. There aren’t many important characters in the film, but each one stands out in its own way and every part of the actors in their excellent work.

The Blind Side is a biographical-sports film in which interpersonal drama has taken its place in sports scenes. The fact is that it goes in a predictable course, but in a great way, without the classic pathos, it shows the results of unconditional support, even in cases when that support is not typical or approved by the environment.