The plot of the film follows two protagonists. One of them is Vernon Sloun (Alexander Skarsgård), who lives in a remote settlement in Alaska and is on tour in Iraq. After arriving home, bad news catches him and he embarks on uncompromising revenge. The other protagonist is Russell Korr...
So Marvel threw out hit after hit, but got bored in it, so the movies started to look like each other and yes, hand on heart and with some exceptions, they get boring. The last in the series, Thor: Ragnarok made a step forward and took the franchise in...
After wandering in space unsuccessfully searching for Infinity stones, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) returns home to Azgard. He finds a strange situation in Azgard. Heifdal (Idris Elba), the guardian of Byfrost (passage to the worlds), does not exist, and a strange show takes place in the city, in the center...
It was the time when England was ruled by Uther Pendragon (Eric Bana). A time when there was a conflict between people and wizards, who lived together until then. Uther's brother Vortigern (Jude Law) ruthlessly persecuted and killed wizards. Then the wizard Mordred raised a large army and attacked...
Kong: Skull Island is part of the so-called Legendary’s MonsterVerse i.e. a film universe designed to have four films. The first was Godzilla from 2014, the second is Kong: Skull Island, followed by Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and Godzilla vs. Kong (2020). Anyway, I'm glad that all...
American director Colin Trevorrow (Colin Trevorrow) after the feature debut (comedy Safety Not Guaranteed from 2012) got the opportunity to direct a blockbuster at the beginning of his career in which great hopes were placed, and not only from reputable producers (Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley, along with Steven...
British filmmaker Joe Wright (Anna Karenina, 2012) is signing the latest film adaptation of a popular classic about the adventures of a boy who doesn't want to grow up. Peter Pan has been a true inspiration to film workers for decades. Many authors have made great efforts to make...
It has always been interesting for me to watch the struggle between man and nature, whether it is a documentary or a feature film. Many have been filmed on this topic, often based on true events, and often in the style of big blockbusters, quite unrealistic, but enticing to...
Beyond Thunderdome is the last adventure of Max Rokatanski, a road warrior created by George Miller. The last one, of course, when we talk about the original trilogy, and the last one where Max plays Mel Gibson.
Thirty-seven years have passed since then, but Miller's masterpiece shaped into a trilogy...
Canadian filmmaker Shawn Levy, after Night at the Museum and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, completes a trilogy about the adventures of a night watchman from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Great attention is paid to writing the script. David Gion and...
Whatever transcription we decide on, we will not be wrong, and that, believe it or not, is the biggest problem this film has. Fairytale, magical and unseen, these are the words I could use to describe this film. If you want a slightly more precise description, it could be...
1994 is considered a turning point in the history of American cinema, because for the first time, independent, low-budget films, that is, those that looked like that, managed to reach a wider circle of audiences. The most deserving for that is certainly the master Quentin Tarantino, whose instant success...
This long-awaited action adventure was jokingly called the fifth sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean, for the simple reason that almost the entire team that participated in creating the franchise about pirate Jack Sparrow (director, screenwriter, producer, lead actor) signed this project. The original idea promised more than decent...
Director and screenwriter Darren Aronofsky has gained many fans, including the writer of these lines, with his specific projects in which he dealt in a minimalist way, with a small budget, a small number of characters, a lot of audio / visual effects and a perfect selection of music....
Director Danny Boyle is interesting due to the fact that he has no specific genre and that his projects are quite diverse. After the great success of the film Slumdog Millionaire, which was brought to him by Oscar Boyle, he turned to shooting the film quite unexpectedly, that is....
"Captain Phillips" is an achievement classified in various genres of action, adventure, thriller and drama, and at the same time a film that could potentially give us the epithet "hater" as a reviewer, at least when it comes to this project. On the other hand, we do not want...
At the very beginning of the film, we see Loki being sentenced to eternity in the Asgard prison. He was condemned by his father Odin for the great destruction he inflicted, especially on the inhabitants of New York. After a long period of peace, an old race of Dark...
The past few days I’ve had a crisis of writing reviews, I thought, maybe I’ll get over it if I watch some movie. That's how it was. I watched this great sci-fi thriller drama for the third time, which asks many life questions and yet gives so few answers...