Aa Okkati Adakku (2024): Get ready to laugh, cry, and everything in between with "Aa Okkati Adakku," an upcoming Pan-Indian movie that promises to deliver entertainment like never before. Directed by the talented Malli Ankam and penned by the renowned Abburi Ravi, this film is set to take audiences...
Get ready to burst into laughter and embrace the warmth of family bonds with "Manamey," an upcoming family comedy-drama directed by the talented Sriram Adittya T. Backed by the creative minds of TG Vishwa Prasad and Vivek Kuchibhotla under the esteemed People Media Factory banner, this film is poised...
Step into the world of comedy, horror, and mystery as acclaimed director Homi Adajania brings forth his latest cinematic creation - "Murder Mubarak." With a stellar cast led by the versatile Pankaj Tripathi, alongside Dimple Kapadia, Vijay Varma, and Sara Ali Khan, this film promises to be a rollercoaster...
In the vast expanse of the internet, where entertainment seekers roam freely, lurks a shadowy realm known as HDMoviesHub. Like a siren's call, it beckons with promises of the latest movies, tantalizing web series, and much more, all available at the click of a button. But behind its seemingly...
In the dynamic world of cinema, where creativity knows no bounds, there exists a shadowy realm that undermines the hard work and dedication of countless artists and filmmakers.
Enter Tamilrockers, a name that has become synonymous with piracy, sending shockwaves through the film industry for years. This article aims...
In the labyrinth of Malayalam cinema, where narratives often weave through the complexities of human emotions, comes "Aavesham," a pulsating action thriller helmed by director Jithu Madhavan. With Fahadh Faasil donning the mantle of the lead character, supported by a stellar cast including Ashish Vidyarthi, Mansoor Ali Khan, and...
In the vibrant tapestry of Indian cinema, a new thread is set to unravel, blending humor with societal reflection in "Tera Kya Hoga Lovely." Directed by the insightful Balwinder Singh Janjua, this upcoming social comedy-drama promises a refreshing take on age-old customs and prejudices. With the talented duo of...
In the realm of Indian cinema, few names command as much reverence and anticipation as the sequel to the iconic film "Indian." Directed by the visionary S Shankar, "Indian 2" is set to captivate audiences with its thrilling narrative, stellar cast, and unparalleled cinematic grandeur.
Indian 2 (2024) - Kamal...
In the realm of cinema, certain stories transcend mere entertainment, delving into the depths of truth and humanity. "The Sabarmati Report" is one such narrative, a gripping thriller drama directed by the visionary Ranjan Chandel, poised to captivate audiences with its powerful portrayal of real-life events.
The Sabarmati Report (2024)
In the world of cinema, some moments spark magic, resonating with audiences and critics alike. "Ambajipeta Marriage Band" is one such gem that lit up the screens on February 2, 2024, capturing hearts and earning acclaim far and wide.
Ambajipeta Marriage Band (2024)
Directed by the talented Dushyanth Katikineni, the film...
Today, amidst the buzz of anticipation, a small film named Rebels of Thupakulagudem has graced the silver screens, bringing with it the promise of introducing fifty fresh faces to the world of cinema. But does this ambitious endeavor live up to its expectations? Let's delve into the heart of...
Love, they say, is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. And in the upcoming film helmed by director Aruna and penned by writer Abhinandan Deshpriya, audiences are invited to join Karthik on his quest for love.
KTM (2024) Kannada Movie
Played by the talented Sanjana Doss, Karthik...
Get ready for more laughs and thrills as "Bhamakalapam 2" gears up to hit your screens soon on the OTT platform Aha. Following the success of the 2022 dark comedy hit, the sequel promises to take the story to new heights, with Priyamani reprising her role as the ‘dangerous...
On a rainy evening during the monsoon season, something significant unfolds between a father and his son. YS Rajasekhara Reddy, played by Mammootty, the then chief minister of undivided Andhra Pradesh, rises from his bed earlier than usual. He notices his son, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, portrayed by Jiiva,...
Guntur Kaaram, the much-anticipated Telugu action drama directed by Trivikram Srinivas, hit theaters worldwide on 12 January 2024, coinciding with the festival of Sankranti. Despite mixed reviews from critics, the film has garnered attention for its star-studded cast, intense storyline, and a unique blend of action and family drama.
In the grand tapestry of Indian cinema, the year 2023 witnessed the birth of a cinematic marvel, "Salaar: Part 1 – Ceasefire." Directed by the visionary Prashanth Neel and produced by the maestro Vijay Kiragandur, this Telugu-language epic action film invites audiences into the dystopian realm of Khansaar, where...
In a cinematic concoction of laughter, drama, and a dash of courage, director Rajkumar Hirani takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride with his 2023 release, "Dunki." This Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama explores the eccentric world of illegal immigration through a whimsical lens, making it both heartwarming and rib-tickling.
DUNKI (2023) Film
In the vibrant tapestry of Indian cinema, Kangana Ranaut emerges as a trailblazer once again, donning the dual hats of director and producer for the upcoming Hindi biographical historical drama, "Emergency." The film delves into the tumultuous era of the Indian Emergency and places Ranaut at the helm as...