Living (2022)

Living (2023)

In a world where the daily grind can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, a heartfelt story unfolds, capturing the essence of human vulnerability and the search for purpose. "Living," directed by Oliver Hermanus, takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, exploring the life of a civil servant who...
Insidious: The Red Door (2023)
In a thrilling culmination of the Insidious horror franchise, the original cast returns for the final chapter of the Lambert family's terrifying saga. Insidious: The Red Door promises to take audiences on a heart-pounding journey as they confront their deepest fears and confront the darkness that has haunted them...
Noshtoneer (2023) watch online OTT Streaming of episodes on Hoichoi
In the vibrant world of Bengali television, a captivating drama series titled "Noshtoneer" has been making waves. This emotionally charged show revolves around the life of Aparna, a young wife whose seemingly perfect marriage crumbles when serious allegations are launched against her husband, Rishabh. As the plot unravels, viewers...
'Scoop' Netflix (2023)
In a chilling turn of events, the shocking murder of a prominent journalist has sent shockwaves through the city, thrusting the crime reporter into a treacherous web of police investigations, media pressures, and the sinister Mumbai underworld. This real-life drama unfolds in the gripping new series, "SCOOP" created by...
Fast X (2023)

Fast X (2023)

Over the years, the "Fast and Furious" franchise has captivated audiences with its high-octane action, adrenaline-pumping races, and tight-knit family of skilled drivers. Now, as the tenth installment, "Fast X" promises to push the boundaries even further. Under the direction of Louis Leterrier, this movie takes fans on an...
The Wandering Earth 2 (2023)
The highly anticipated sequel to the blockbuster Chinese sci-fi film, "The Wandering Earth," is set to hit theaters in the US on January 22, 2023. Directed by Frant Gwo, "The Wandering Earth 2" continues the thrilling story of humankind's efforts to save the planet from certain doom as the...
Guy Ritchie's The Covenant (2023)
The upcoming war-action movie "Guy Ritchie's The Covenant" directed by Guy Ritchie is set to hit theaters on April 21, 2023. The film's plot follows the journey of a local interpreter who risks his own life to carry an injured sergeant across miles of gruelling terrain during the war...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Review
After the success of the first two installments of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, fans have been eagerly waiting for the third volume. The good news is that the movie is officially in the works, and while details about the plot are scarce, there are a few things...
Captain Miller Tamil Hd Movie Info
Captain Miller is an upcoming action drama movie directed by Arun Matheswaran, known for the hit film Rocky. The movie features renowned actor Dhanush in the lead role, alongside Priyanka Mohan, Sundeep Kishan, Sumesh Moor, and John Kokken. The film is produced by Sendhil Thyagarajan and Arjun Thyagarajan under...
HD Movies ORG
Are you a fan of Telugu movies? If so, you might have heard about the latest sensation in the Telugu movie industry, Ibomma. Ibomma is a streaming platform that offers a vast collection of new Telugu movies for your entertainment. iBomma New Telugu Movies If you're wondering what makes Ibomma different...
New OTT Releases
May 2023 promises to be an exciting month for OTT enthusiasts, with new shows and films set to be released on platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, ZEE5, Jio Cinemas, and Disney+ Hotstar. This article highlights some of the upcoming releases, including Dahaad, Taj: Reign of Revenge Season 2,...
Oppenheimer (2023) Full HD Movie Info
Explore the pulse-pounding paradox of J. Robert Oppenheimer in Christopher Nolan's latest epic thriller, Oppenheimer. Follow the brilliant physicist as he risks everything to create the atomic bomb during World War II, confronting the moral implications of his actions along the way. Oppenheimer (2023) Full HD Movie Info If you're a...
Shaakuntalam: A Second Chance for Samantha Akkineni's Flop Film on OTT
Samantha Akkineni's film Shaakuntalam, which failed at the box office, is set for an OTT release on Amazon Prime. Despite criticism for its VFX and narration, Dil Raju is confident that the film will do well on the digital platform. Samantha Akkineni is a well-known actress in the South Indian...
August 16 1947
Don't miss the latest Tamil period drama "August 16 1947" on Prime Video! Directed by NS Ponkumar and produced by AR Murugadoss, this blockbuster film features an impressive cast and tells a captivating story of resilience and freedom in pre-independence Madras. Prime Video has recently added a new Tamil period...
Modern Love: Chennai
Modern Love Chennai is an upcoming Tamil anthology series that boasts of a stellar cast, including Kishore, Ramya Nambeesan, Ritu Varma, Ashok Selvan, Vijayalakshmi, Gouri Reddy, TJ Banu, Samyuktha Vishwanathan, Chu Khoy Sheng, Vasudevan Murali, and Sanjula S. This series is an adaptation of the popular international series, 'Modern...
HD Movies ORG
123Movies is a website where users can watch movies and TV series illegally, without paying any fees. This website provides movies from countries such as the United States, the UK, Italy, Canada, Spain, Germany, France, India, and more. 123Movies (2023)- A Popular Illegal Movie Streaming Website It has a search bar...
Mothalum Kaadhalum Serial Today
Mothalum Kaadhalum is the newest Tamil serial that is making waves on Star Vijay TV. Directed by Suresh Shanmugam, this family drama has captured the hearts of viewers with its captivating storyline and talented cast. The serial revolves around the lives of two individuals, Sameer and Ashwathy Ash, who...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Review
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been a trailblazer in the superhero genre for over a decade, with its successful formula of humour, action, and character development. However, in recent years, fans have begun to feel that the formula has become stale and predictable. This is where Guardians of...