The film begins with an unusual scene where Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) breaks himself down into atoms with the help of 4500 liters of kerosene. He then takes the story back six weeks, to explain his move. As we run those six weeks, the action continues, and with it our crazy cinema ride. We meet new characters and their stories, swearing and politically incorrect statements shine in all directions, and if blood flows. There are also small legs, penis and creepy things and all together it brings tears to your eyes and tears to your mouth.

The director was changed, while Ryan Reynolds got a much bigger role in decision-making. Rumors say that this was the main reason for the change of director, because the two of them had a different vision of further development of the franchise. Anyway, the new director sat down in a chair and together with Reynolds (who is also signed as a screenwriter and producer) made a new story about surely the craziest super (anti) hero we’ve seen.

I have to say that at the beginning I had a faint feeling (but it was still there) that some things were a little forced. Better to say – humor to the muscles. However, soon the action takes a different course and it’s as if all the dice are arranged and clicked, and you are dragged into a sea of ​​nonsense and fun, which Deadpool2 basically is. Everything then works at the highest level.

Story, characters, phrases that everyone fires in turn. Phenomenal action scenes and choreography. The effects are at the highest level, and it seems that they got some dinars more, so they added more X-Men characters (even for a second). There is a scene of those with an R mark at every step. From textual or audible, fired from the protagonists’ ugly mouths, to those where limbs and various parts of the body fly around, blood spills in all directions, and some small penises (those who will watch or have already done so know exactly what I’m talking).

Part of the story with the X-Force team and their actions (or rather inaction) is especially well thought out. You wouldn’t expect anything different from Deadpool. Simply, nothing goes according to the established course, but in a distorted, robin way, and that is what makes this franchise special. The characters and actors who interpret them are all ingenious. Everyone got their small share and used it to the maximum. There is some special chemistry between them and they work great on the screen. A special touch is given by constant jokes and references to various other characters of the Marvel and DC universes that everyone, especially Deadpool, fires. Although this is a Marvel movie, it was not a problem for them to make constant references to the characters of the DC world and some are really hilarious.

Writing about the Deadpool franchise is not easy, nor can it be spread out like with other movies. You simply have to feel this on your skin, preferably in the cinema and absorb everything it has to offer. Describing it in words simply cannot even come close to its uniqueness. What you are sure to get with this film is two hours of pure fun, action, spectacle, a sea of ​​humor and inappropriate jokes that make the team even better. Two hours of rest from everything that the world you live in has invaded you and will fly away from the cinema completely satisfied. For those better acquainted with movies, especially superheroes and everything that goes with it, Deadpool2 is an inexhaustible source of references to other movies and heroes. Many jokes related to that world gain even more power then and leave a stronger impression.