Vellari Pattanam (2023) HDRip Malayalam Full Movie Watch Online Free Directed by: Mahesh Vettiyar Written by: Sarath Krishna, Mahesh Vettiyar Starring by: Soubin Shahir, Shabareesh Varma, Kottayam Ramesh Genres: Comedy, Drama Country: India Language: Malayalam A family entertainer movie laced with humor with a social satire set in the contemporary era. Chakkarakudam is the fictional village...

Aquaman (2018)

Aquaman is one of the members of the Justice League and in the film of the same name he was introduced to us by the charismatic Jason Momoa. He has now got his own film, and his plot takes place after the Justice League. Arthur aka Aquaman is the...
Chimp Empire (2023 Movies) FEATURED Genre: Documentary Actor: Mahershala Ali IMDb 6.5/ 10 (504 votes) Country: United Kingdom iMDB: Chimp Empire (2023 Movies): A vast community of chimpanzees thrives in a forest in Uganda, navigating complex social politics, family dynamics and dangerous territory disputes. Chimp Empire (2023) Hindi Dubbed Season 1 Complete 
Ghosted (2023 Film)
Ghosted (2023) is a movie that blends action, adventure, and romance in an intriguing way. Directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Rhett Reese, Paul Wernick, Chris McKenna, and Erik Sommers, the film stars Chris Evans as Cole Turner and Ana de Armas as Sadie Rhodes. Produced by Apple...
Netflix's Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead Full Movie Info
In a world where zombie movies have become a dime a dozen, "Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead" dares to stand out from the horde with its unique blend of humor and thrilling undead encounters. This fresh and exciting film takes audiences on a wild ride through a...
Alien: Romulus (2024)
The "Alien" franchise has been a cornerstone of sci-fi and horror since its inception, and with "Alien: Romulus," the series is diving back into the depths of pure, primal terror. Directed by Fede Alvarez, known for his chilling work on "Evil Dead" and "Don't Breathe," this latest installment promises...
Ghost (2023 film)

Ghost (2023 film)

In the heart of Indian cinema, a new masterpiece has emerged in the form of "Ghost," a Kannada-language heist action thriller that has captured the imagination of audiences since its theatrical release on October 19, 2023. Directed and written by the talented M. G. Srinivas, the film boasts a...
This low-budget project of Daniel Majrik and Eduardo Sanchez managed to earn over 300 million dollars with a more than modest budget of some 30 thousand dollars. Like any film that emerges from some kind of traditional mold, this one has developed audiences into two camps - critics who...
Singham Again
Fans of the iconic Indian action franchise "Singham" have reason to rejoice as the much-awaited sequel, "Singham Again", finally has a release date. According to film trade analyst Taran Adarsh, the film is set to hit the theatres on Independence Day, August 15, 2024, and is expected to be...
Fast X (2023)

Fast X (2023)

Over the years, the "Fast and Furious" franchise has captivated audiences with its high-octane action, adrenaline-pumping races, and tight-knit family of skilled drivers. Now, as the tenth installment, "Fast X" promises to push the boundaries even further. Under the direction of Louis Leterrier, this movie takes fans on an...
Canadian filmmaker Shawn Levy, after Night at the Museum and Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, completes a trilogy about the adventures of a night watchman from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Great attention is paid to writing the script. David Gion and...
Bajri Mafia

Bajri Mafia

In the sprawling landscape of India, where stories of grit and intrigue often emerge from the most unexpected corners, the web series "Bajri Mafia 2023" has captured the attention and imagination of viewers nationwide. This gripping narrative, released to widespread anticipation, delves into the shadowy world of illegal sand...
Netflix's One Piece (2023) Full Movie Info
On August 31, 2023, fans of the beloved anime and manga series, One Piece, were treated to an exhilarating new episode. In this thrilling installment, the Straw Hat Pirates embarked on their first adventure into the treacherous New World. Netflix's One Piece (2023) Full Movie Info Created by the mastermind Eiichiro...
"Captain Phillips" is an achievement classified in various genres of action, adventure, thriller and drama, and at the same time a film that could potentially give us the epithet "hater" as a reviewer, at least when it comes to this project. On the other hand, we do not want...
This movie is so big that I have to write one "big" review. I wonder how many directors exist that they dared to do something like the German director, actor and screenwriter Werner Herzog did? Certainly not much. Fitzcaraldo from 1982 is, along with Aguirre - Wrath of God, the...
Simhadri Re-Release Full Hd Movie
Simhadri, a 2003 Telugu-language action film directed by S. S. Rajamouli, is all set to be re-released, and fans couldn't be more excited. The film, which stars N.T.Rama Rao Jr., Bhumika Chawla, and Ankitha, was a massive hit when it first released in 2003, and the re-release trailer has...
A film like "The Road" is very hard not to notice, despite the relatively weaker promotion it had, but I guess the quality always somehow emerges in the end. Based on the excellent novel of the same name by Cormac McCarthy, which, we must emphasize, is also the winner...
Insidious: The Red Door (2023)
In a thrilling culmination of the Insidious horror franchise, the original cast returns for the final chapter of the Lambert family's terrifying saga. Insidious: The Red Door promises to take audiences on a heart-pounding journey as they confront their deepest fears and confront the darkness that has haunted them...
“Taaza Khabar” Season 2 Premieres September 27 | Bhuvan Bam

“Taaza Khabar” Season 2 Premieres September 27 | Bhuvan Bam

The wait is almost over for fans of Taaza Khabar, as the highly anticipated second season of this gripping series is set to launch on Disney+ Hotstar on September 27. Starring popular YouTuber and...
The Forge (2024)

The Forge (2024)

In the ever-evolving landscape of faith-based cinema, “The Forge” marks an exciting new entry by the Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen Kendrick. Released on August 23, 2024, this American Christian drama builds upon the...
Emily in Paris Season 4

Emily in Paris Season 4: What to Expect, Plot Details, and Release Date

When Netflix dropped Emily in Paris on October 2, 2020, it quickly became the talk of the town, and for good reason. Created by Darren Star, the mind behind Sex and the City, this...
IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Season

IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Season 1 (2024)

In the vast world of streaming and cinematic adaptations, "IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack" Season 1 stands out as a riveting portrayal of a real-life crisis that gripped the world two decades ago. Directed...
Alien: Romulus (2024)

Alien: Romulus Film 2024 Full Movie Info

The "Alien" franchise has been a cornerstone of sci-fi and horror since its inception, and with "Alien: Romulus," the series is diving back into the depths of pure, primal terror. Directed by Fede Alvarez,...
Blink Twice

Blink Twice (2024)

In a year rich with thrilling cinematic offerings, Blink Twice stands out as a gripping blend of crime and suspense that delves into the shadowy corners of wealth and power. Directed by Zoë Kravitz,...