The Beach Bum is his latest work in which the protagonist is Mundog (Matthew McConaughey), a rebellious poet who lives life by his own rules. At one point he was successful and influential, became famous for his poetry and married the rich woman Minnie (Isla Fisher), but for a...
The case after which this syndrome is named happened in 1973 in Stockholm, during a bank robbery. This absurd true story was the subject of research by psychologists, but also the subject of numerous films. The story follows Lars Nystrom (Ethan Hawke), who disguises himself, breaks into a bank...
The plot of the film is set in 1953, and Stan (Steve Coogan) and Oli (John C. Reilly) are on a big tour of Great Britain. The golden age of their careers is far behind them, they are no longer kings of Hollywood comedy and they face an uncertain...
In this great tragicomedy, Cummings plays Jim Arno, a police officer who doesn't instill too much confidence. The film opens with his mother's funeral, and after that event, he was soon informed that his wife, with whom he does not live, is seeking a divorce. Torn between work, sadness...
The film begins with a quiz in a bar where Max (Jason Bateman) and Annie (Rachel McAdams) experience love at first sight. They were brought together by the mutual spirit of competition, they use every possible opportunity to compete in something, and they organize game nights with their friends,...
The store is located in one of the streets of Brooklyn during a hot sunny day. He deals with Salo (Danny Aiello), the owner of a pizzeria he has run for 25 years, and Muki (played by Spike Lee), a young black man who works as a pizza delivery...
Captain Fantastic was written and directed by Matt Ross, just like his other three films (two short ones), which he has made so far. In addition, Matt has had numerous roles in various TV series and movies. It can be concluded that he used his great acting and somewhat...

Ted 2

Seth MacFarlane brings us back the stuffed honey of bad language in the sequel to the 2012 hit comedy Ted. The unexpectedly high commercial score of the debut strongly motivated the powerful people from the reputable production company Universal Pictures to approach the new project even more ambitiously. The...
After a short party, overwhelmed with fear, Net (Rose Byrne) and Josh (Rafe Spall) decide to get married. This decision surprised everyone, starting with their parents, close friends, work colleagues. Even the priest is skeptical about the perspective and, above all, the longevity of this marriage. Despite the obvious...
I have to say here that my first love, when we talk about the film genre, is fantasy, with sci-fi and horror. My childhood fantasy films are mostly related to the Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Mad Max trilogies. By the way, Road Warrior was released in 1981, and...
The beginning of the film introduces us to a nice four guys who come to the disappointing conclusion that everyone will go to college as virgins. As the beginning of the action that will prevent that from happening, they are concluding a pact, and the deadline for fulfilling the...
The main characters of the film are Holden (Ben Affleck) and Benki (Jason Lee), underground cartoonists who became famous with the series Bluntman and the Chronicle. They go to a comics convention in New York where Holden meets Amy (Joey Lauren Adams), also a cartoonist. After a short time,...
Larry (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard (Jonathan Silverman) are two young men and friends who work for a large insurance company. When they accidentally discover a fraud worth two million dollars, they go to their boss Bernie (Terry Kiser) who invites them to spend a weekend at his house on...
Tom (Martin Scheen) is a specialist ophthalmologist who leads a comfortable life. He has his own private office, which is frequented by his regular clientele. In a well-organized, established lifestyle, golf with old friends and associates occupies an important place, but one sunny day, a regular game of golf...
Almost eleven years ago, the film Horrible Bosses brought much-needed refreshment to the rather poor world of mainstream comedy. As always, what brings money must be continued, so a few months ago the second part arrived, with some changes compared to the first part. New director Sean Anders has...
Crazy show host Dave (James Franco) and his dad, producer Aaron (Rogen), unexpectedly get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The invitation to go to Pyongyang and do an exclusive interview with the North Korean Supreme Leader in the special edition of the show program ‘Skylark Tonight’, seems like the realization of...
The central hero of the film is 15-year-old Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman), an extremely intelligent and hard-working student of the elite Rushmore school who neglected learning due to side activities, so he is a member of all possible school clubs and associations. theatrical performances. Although he is quite smart,...

Frank (2014)

John (Domhnall Gleeson) is an unusual young man with red hair who wants to be a musician - he plays keyboards and tries unsuccessfully to write songs while actually living the life of an average, ordinary man who has a job from eight to four, and lacks creativity and...
“Taaza Khabar” Season 2 Premieres September 27 | Bhuvan Bam

“Taaza Khabar” Season 2 Premieres September 27 | Bhuvan Bam

The wait is almost over for fans of Taaza Khabar, as the highly anticipated second season of this gripping series is set to launch on Disney+ Hotstar on September 27. Starring popular YouTuber and...
The Forge (2024)

The Forge (2024)

In the ever-evolving landscape of faith-based cinema, “The Forge” marks an exciting new entry by the Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen Kendrick. Released on August 23, 2024, this American Christian drama builds upon the...
Emily in Paris Season 4

Emily in Paris Season 4: What to Expect, Plot Details, and Release Date

When Netflix dropped Emily in Paris on October 2, 2020, it quickly became the talk of the town, and for good reason. Created by Darren Star, the mind behind Sex and the City, this...
IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Season

IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack Season 1 (2024)

In the vast world of streaming and cinematic adaptations, "IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack" Season 1 stands out as a riveting portrayal of a real-life crisis that gripped the world two decades ago. Directed...
Alien: Romulus (2024)

Alien: Romulus Film 2024 Full Movie Info

The "Alien" franchise has been a cornerstone of sci-fi and horror since its inception, and with "Alien: Romulus," the series is diving back into the depths of pure, primal terror. Directed by Fede Alvarez,...
Blink Twice

Blink Twice (2024)

In a year rich with thrilling cinematic offerings, Blink Twice stands out as a gripping blend of crime and suspense that delves into the shadowy corners of wealth and power. Directed by Zoë Kravitz,...